
Jetski Escape 3D Multiplayer!


Hi in case it isn't obvious multiplayer and high scores broke during the update to Scratch 3. Unfortunately it's impossible to fix because Scratch 3 limits cloud variables to 128 characters, which isn't enough for the multiplayer or highscore system to work. Please stop commenting about it. Complain to the ST instead - MATU - See project for instructions and credits :P - YOU MUST USE FIREFOX! OR DISABLE PEPPERFLASH. Extreme lag awaits if you don't! See here for how to disable pepperflash: - Your computer should have OK specs; below 2GB ram / 2GHz processor you may experience lag - this game is pretty resource heavy and pretty much pushes Scratch to its limits - Still laggy? Use phosphorus! - You must be a "Scratcher" to be able to post to cloud data or play multiplayer. - Please DO NOT remix without significant changes. Also, NO AE studios please, and NO F4F - If you like this, don't forget to smack that heart and star button, and share it with your friends! Enjoy! ================================================= - I reserve the right to remove any user's access to this game indefinitely for reasons including but not limited to evading the chat filter, being disrespectful, or changing cloud data beyond the capabilities of project (this includes changes made by modifying project scripts or by use of external tools). ================================================= Credit to @SurgeForce for the 3D scratch cat model ================================================= History: ------- 4/1 ------- v1.1.9 - Added effects toggle so people with low specs can play to some extent - Added damage indicator - Made inactivity message respond to arrow keys - Sped up writing to the activity log - Some bugfixes in multiplayer ------- 3/29 ------- v.1.1.8 - Added arrow keys for movement ------- 3/28 ------- v1.1.7 - Added chat to multiplayer v1.1.6 - Added feedback for hits in multiplayer - Added temporary invincibility on game start ------- 3/27 ------- v1.1.5 - Removed score indicator in multiplayer - Added menu button in multiplayer lobby Front paged, oh yeah! ------- 3/26 ------- v1.1.4 - Made it so the high score list only displays one score per username - Added notification if you beat the highscore or got a personal best v1.1.3 - Added notification sound on main menu if anyone is on multiplayer - Added list of players during multiplayer loading v1.1.2 - Made activity auto-refresh v1.1.1 - Made safe chat ignore select punctuation (still bans most l33t sp33k) - Made main menu periodically poll cloud data for multiplayer v1.1.0 - Added multiplayer detection on main menu - Added credits for bgm - Fixed hitbox (sphere?) position as per @Superdoggy - Changed game mechanics to become more difficult as one progresses ------- 3/25 ------- v1.0.0 - Initial release! Yay!

Jetski Escape 3D Multiplayer! Jetski Escape 3D Multiplayer! Reviewed by mvvideo on tháng 10 04, 2021 Rating: 5

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