
3D Smashy Road


Thanks to all for making this TOP-LOVED and TOP REMIXED!!!!!!! This ws my first project to ever get top loved and my first to get top remixed too :D Scratch on :33333 ==================================================== WELCOME TO: 3D SMASHY ROAD!!!!!!!! FINALLY FINISHED ;) Took me almost a week! Press space to toggle car drift effect, press again to disable it! Use left and right arrows to move, hold down both left and right arrows to decelerate (brake) and DONT GET CAUGHT BY THE POLICE! ************Your progress is saved onto your account! :)**************** UPDATE*** I added 20 new cars (some are human characters!!) Odd cash glitch fixed!! (Before, it wouldn't regenerate) Have fun! - sincerely, your friend (me)
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FIXED THE LAG THAT OCCURED WHEN THE GAME IS OVER! Go check out this person: @sasha1272 My most recent project!: =================================================== And also this! -----------> Bourne Identity music used from @chooper100! Police siren from @chooper100 His awesome game: I drew ALL the 3d cars in here. The ONLY thing I didn't draw is the race track, race track creds to @griffpatch . This game is a remake of Smashy Road, an iOS game. See how I made the 3d effects in my tutorial, Advanced 3D Drawing!************* ************** If it's a bit laggy, KEEP BREATHING because there's 263 costumes in one sprite and about 300 total clones. ==================================================== Thanks for 10k everybody!! :D The game won't run smoothly if you don't have a username...

3D Smashy Road 3D Smashy Road Reviewed by mvvideo on tháng 10 04, 2021 Rating: 5

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